Furbies For Sale All of my Furbies are brand new and never been taken out of their original packaging. Furbies interact with each other. They talk, play games, sing, giggle, dance and make each other get sleepy and will tell your fortune. They are so entertaining and just a lot of fun to see what they will say or do next. They are all just soooo adorable. please email me at: ****sandy-furby*****@*****comcast.net**** Leave off the **** in my email address.
"REGULAR EDITION" ADULT FURBY $25.00 plus shipping/handling charges.
Black/Yellow (Model#70-800)
SPECIAL EDITION ADULT FURBIES $35.00 each plus shipping/handling charges: "GRADUATION" FURBY (Model#70-886): "MILLENNIUM" FURBY (Model#70-894):
I do not ship outside of the U.S.A. please email me at: ****sandy-furby*****@*****comcast.net**** Leave off the **** in my email address.
otherwise noted, Copyrights (c) are retained by S & B Crafts on all
existing art, images and graphics located in this site. All Rights
This site originated on December 30, 1999 |